Ugh...hentai...overdone hentai...
I hate hentai...then why do I even bother playing the game? I respect Wiese, and I enjoy playing the mini-games he has in there. That drive by game was fun, but I found that it got boring after a while. Also, I beat that damn monkey game. It took me a damn long time, but I beat that damn monkey game. Damn that was frustrating. You'll have people lining up outside your house to bitchslap you for that damn monkey game...THAT I BEAT! HA. Anyway, there were many bugs. To name a few
-Couldn't leave music store
-Couldn't leave diner
-Could walk on the water on one part of the bottom beach
-Can play slots in the fishing store
As for glitches with the pictures...I don't know, I only talked to the store clirks. Oh well, it's hentai Newgrounders want, it's hentai they get. And thats why this has such a good rating.